Exploring PhD Careers with Job Sims

July 17, 2024
10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.


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What do you consider when you're making a career transition? Attend this session to hear stories about graduate students and postdocs who successfully transitioned into new roles, and strategies and timelines for how they did it. 
You will also learn about InterSECT Job Sims, a convenient online career exploration tool for PhD-level individuals. These web-based job simulations can help you explore PhD career paths, narrow down options, and make informed career choices. The job sims have been vetted by professionals.
By the end of this session, you will be able to: 

  • Explain different strategies for exploring careers
  • Determine if you would like to further pursue a career field, before committing energy and time to an internship or additional training
  • Identify next steps to make progress on career goals

Read about how other PhDs used InterSECT Job Sims, in this ScienceCareers article.


Thi Nguyen, PhD is an educator, career coach, freelance consultant, former associate dean of graduate career development, and founder of InterSECTjobsims.com. She practices inclusive learning principles. Thi has worked with graduate students and postdocs at over 20 universities and foundations. She holds degrees in psychology, biology, and neuroscience. She enjoys nature walks, epic movies, and cooking with her kids.

A note about our virtual events: We would like to welcome you, as and where you are, to our virtual events. If there are times you just don’t want to be on camera, feel free to attend this event with your camera and mic off. If you prefer to switch on your camera and participate that’s great too. And if this event just won’t work for you please remember you can always make an appointment with us at any time. 

UCSF is committed to making its facilities, activities and events accessible. To request accommodations for this event, please contact Trish McGrath ([email protected]) at the Office of Career and Professional Development at least one week before the event.