SciPhD Half-day workshop: Get a leg up on landing that first job

March 26, 2025
12 - 4 p.m. PT


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This half-day workshop presented by SciPhD provides the essential foundation to prepare you for your first job after UCSF. The resources you need to develop a targeted resume, prepare for interviews, build and leverage your network, and land a job are presented along with a permanent license to their web application Flamingo.

  • Learn what kinds of organizations value PhDs in the biomedical sciences. Learn about large multi-national pharmaceutical companies, biotechs, consulting firms and startups.
  • Analyze job ads, identify critical skills, develop experience statements that show that you're qualified, and generate targeted resumes. All attendees receive a permanent license to Flamingo.
  • Learn critical technical, business, and social skills that are essential in landing your first job after UCSF. Learn how to demonstrate your qualifications based on your experiences and accomplishments. Learn to build and leverage your network to get your resume directly to a hiring manager.
  • There are many ways to apply your science training in the professional world. Continuing at the bench, communications, project management, business development and more are all realistic career choices. Learn about your options!

On March 27, all participants from the half-day workshop will be invited to a virtual networking reception to meet SciPhD alumni.

A note about our virtual events: We would like to welcome you, as and where you are, to our virtual events. If there are times you just don’t want to be on camera, feel free to attend this event with your camera and mic off. If you prefer to switch on your camera and participate that’s great too. And if this event just won’t work for you please remember you can always make an appointment with us at any time. 

UCSF is committed to making its facilities, activities and events accessible. To request accommodations for this event, please contact Trish McGrath ([email protected]) at the Office of Career and Professional Development at least one week before the event.