First Gen Career Champions Recognition Program

Would you like to be recognized for your work supporting First Generation Health Professional Students?

Consider joining our First Gen Career Champions Recognition Program!

White round pin that reads 2024/2025 Singular First Gen Champion

The First Gen Career Champions Recognition Program is a collaborative and dynamic community of diverse health professional Resident, Faculty, and Alumni mentors who generously share their time by participating in various flexible one-time or repeat professional development support programs and initiatives tailored for First Gen students. This program is designed to foster professional development learning and growth among First Gen and underrepresented in medicine (UIM) students while recognizing the dedication and efforts of the diverse mentors who contribute to the career success of health professional students.

The First Gen Career Champions Recognition Program offers participant mentors multiple flexible ways to support health professional First Gen and UIM students. This program is a collaboration between First-Generation Services and the Office of Career and Professional Development, (OCPD).

Be recognized as a First Gen Career Champion

Singular First Gen Career Champion Pin

White round button that reads 2024/2025 Singular First Gen Champion

In recognition of First Gen Career Champions' profound impact on students' professional development, champions who complete one mentorship activity will be recognized for their service by being awarded a “Singular First Gen Champion” pin that they can wear proudly to let others know about their great work supporting students.

Prolific First Gen Career Champion Lanyard

Navy lanyard with 2024/2025 Prolific First Gen Champion text

For First Gen Career Champions who complete more than one mentorship support activity, they will be recognized for their service by being awarded a “Prolific First Gen Champion” lanyard that they can wear with their work badge to let their colleagues and students know that they are dedicated mentors for diverse students. 


Current First Gen Career Champion Opportunities:

"What I Wish I Had Known" Virtual Mentor Panels: a split two-hour, one-time commitment

Help decode the hidden curriculum for First Gen/UIM students by joining one of OCPD’s "What I Wish I Had Known” Virtual Mentor Evening Panels!

Every year we are approached by potential mentors who are interested in serving on virtual panels. When we have enough panelists for a given population or area of interest, OCPD will organize and facilitate a What I Wish I Had Known virtual mentor panel like the examples below:

What Mentor Panel participation would entail:

  • First hour: 60-minute pre-interview virtual meeting at your convenience with the panel moderator, about one month before the panel.  During the meeting, panelists will get to choose up to two-panel questions from a First-Gen/UIM student pre-assessment survey provided by OCPD. Our initial panel question discussion will help focus on specific insights that panelists share and shape a skills-based framework for the panel, ensuring attendees leave with actionable steps based on mentors' experiences.
  • Second hour: 60-minute evening virtual panel where each mentor panelist will share their insights and advice, answering medical students' questions, while the moderator synthesizes the guidance into actionable skills-based frameworks that students can immediately start using.

Mentorship matter shaping the future of medicine

For more information please fill out our "Become A Champion: interest survey and an OCPD staff member will follow up with you. 

Become a Champion

Upcoming Events


Lunch and Learn: Starting a Professional Network

Date: March 18, 2025
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. PT

OCPD Office Hours (for Graduate Students and Postdocs)

Date: March 19, 2025
Time: 12 - 1 p.m.

SciPhD Half-day workshop: Get a leg up on landing that first job

Date: March 26, 2025
Time: 12 - 4 p.m. PT

SciPhD VIP Networking Reception

Date: March 27, 2025
Time: 4 - 6 p.m. PT