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Teamwork as a Science Program Officer in a Nonprofit
In organizing a large event, I need to work with a team of people including: scientists (speakers, content), events manager (meeting/catering/hotel logistics), travel agent (logistics), finance (reimbursements, tracking), other non-profits (co-host, co-sponsor), etc.
In order to be effective at team work, communication is critical! You need to be able to provide constructive feedback, be open to the ideas of others, but also don't overstep your own role.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
- Contributing to institution (ie participating on committees)
- Providing constructive feedback
Teamwork as a Executive Director in a Nonprofit
The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.
Teamwork as a Senior Project Manager in Academia
I work on part of multiple teams, and I've learned quickly that being an effective and high functioning team is critical for meeting deadlines and producing deliverables. I also serve as a liaison between our research team and our partners at the state and in a large national organization, so being able to connect across teams is important.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
- Providing constructive feedback
Teamwork as a Senior Project Manager in Science Policy
I work on part of multiple teams, and I've learned quickly that being an effective and high functioning team is critical for meeting deadlines and producing deliverables. I also serve as a liaison between our research team and our partners at the state and in a large national organization, so being able to connect across teams is important.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
- Providing constructive feedback
Teamwork as a Consultant in Consulting
In consulting, it's typical to be staffed on teams on 2-5 people for ~3 month engagements. The ability to work with others and with various working styles is crucial to the success of the project
- Ability to work on a team
Teamwork as a Market Assessment Consultant in Consulting
Everything in the business world, and especially in consulting, is done as part of a team. Even though I consult on my own, for many of my projects I am working with a team of people on the client side. Right now I am coordinating a team with people from Research, Clinical Development, Commercial, Medical Affairs, Business Development, and other functional groups to plan for covering data presentations at medical congresses.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
Teamwork as a Sr Scientist/CRO Coordinator in Academia
In academic administration and mentoring, you will need to work with individuals in different functions - faculty, finance, outreach, communication, etc - it's essential to be able to work together to move forward the shared projects and initiatives.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
- Contributing to institution (ie participating on committees)
- Providing constructive feedback
Teamwork as an Associate Director of Precision Medicine in Academia
The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
- Contributing to institution (ie participating on committees)
- Providing constructive feedback
Teamwork as a Director of Industry Partnerships in Science Policy
The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
- Contributing to institution (ie participating on committees)
- Providing constructive feedback
Teamwork as a Computational Scientist in Data Science
We are currently working on a project that is high priority and there are ~20 of us working on different pieces of the project. It is critical that I know if something upstream or downstream of me changes so I can understand how it affects my work or those who rely on my work. We communicate in lots of different ways, including recurring meetings, one-off meetings and slack messaging.
- Ability to work on a team
- Providing constructive feedback