I'm considering a specific postdoc; should I do it?

Once you've decided that doing a postdoc makes sense for you (perhaps with help from our handy reflection guide!), you will also want to evaluate whether a specific position is right for you. OCPD is here to help with more reflection questions, and individualized and group support.

Postdoctoral positions vary as much as the people who do them! Use the drop-downs below to consider your specific goals and needs for a postdoc position.

You can often learn about the lab or research group from your prospective PI, current and former lab/research group members, and from your propective PI's current or former research collaborators. This can happen as part of a formal interview process or, less formally, through networking connections. Learn about a practice called informational interviewing that can help you get answers.

Keep in mind, any hiring process (formal or informal) is also an opportunity for you assess your potential supervisor and workplace. Read about Using the Interview to Avoid a Toxic Position from our Workplace Navigation series.

Are you considering multiple options?

Try out our Opportunity Comparisons Matrix! This tool can help you campare multiple postdoc positions, or compare doing a postdoc with pursuing a different opportunity as your next career step. Try using some of the prompts above as your criteria.

Let us help you assess your fit

We are also here to help you work through these questions for your specific situation. Join us at our next office hours to get your questions answered in a small group setting, or schedule a 1:1 consultation with a member of our team!

This resource was based on work developed by Sarah Gallalee, PhD during her internship at the Office of Career and Professional Development in 2023. These questions were developed during conversations with 25 faculty, staff, students and postdocs with the goal of helping social and population sciences students determine if a postdoc position would be a good next step.

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Lunch and Learn: Starting a Professional Network

Date: March 18, 2025
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. PT

OCPD Office Hours (for Graduate Students and Postdocs)

Date: March 19, 2025
Time: 12 - 1 p.m.

SciPhD Half-day workshop: Get a leg up on landing that first job

Date: March 26, 2025
Time: 12 - 4 p.m. PT

SciPhD VIP Networking Reception

Date: March 27, 2025
Time: 4 - 6 p.m. PT