Welcome to OCPD's online appointment scheduling page.
- We offer 30-minute appointments (for current and recently graduated UCSF graduate students and postdocs) that are client-centered and career-agnostic. You bring your own goals, questions, or concerns, in any area of career and professional development, and we are here to support you sharing our advice, expertise, and resources.
- Are OCPD appointments private or confidential? Please review our privacy policy for more information.
- Please only book one OCPD appointment, with one counselor, at a time. Regrettably, multiple appointments will automatically be canceled.
- Questions? Please contact us at [email protected].
Please click the 'schedule an appointment' button to view availability
Ray Care (she/they)
Ray joined OCPD first as an intern and then in a staff role in 2019. She got her PhD from UCSF after switching labs in her second year.
Topics Ray covers:
-Navigating your time at UCSF
-Setting career/professional goals
-Career exploration and getting experience
-Finding and applying for jobs
-Leadership and management
David Blancha (he/him)
David joined OCPD in 2022 after several years in career offices at UCLA and UC Davis. He earned a PhD from Columbia University.
Topics David covers:
-Navigating your time at UCSF
-Setting career/professional goals
-Career exploration and getting experience
-Finding and applying for jobs
-Leadership and management