Transferable Skills

Strategic Thinking as a Computational Scientist in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.

What specific skills are part of how you apply this transferable skill?
  • Ability to make decisions and solve problems
  • Creating vision and goals
  • Creativity/innovative thinking

Integrity as a Computational Scientist in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

We work with a lot of protected health information. As a researcher I do have access to a lot of this health info, and I need to comply with all the restrictions on how I can work with the data in order to protect patient information while still doing my job effectively.

What specific skills are part of how you apply this transferable skill?
  • Can identify and address research misconduct
  • Complying with rules and regulations
  • Demonstrating workplace etiquette
  • Maintaining positive relationships with colleagues
  • Upholding commitments and meeting deadlines

Project Management as a Computational Scientist in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.

What specific skills are part of how you apply this transferable skill?
  • Delegating responsibilities
  • Managing data and resources
  • Time management

Interpreting Information as a Computational Scientist in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.

What specific skills are part of how you apply this transferable skill?
  • Ability to analyze data
  • Ability to gather and interpret information
  • Ability to learn quickly
  • Critical evaluation of scientific literature
  • Deep knowledge of specific research area
  • Interpretation of data
  • Technical skills related to my specific research area

Motivation as a Computational Scientist in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.

Understanding the Scientific Enterprise as a Computational Scientist in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.

What specific skills are part of how you apply this transferable skill?
  • Broad-based knowledge of science
  • Contributing to discipline
  • Experimental design
  • Statistical analysis
  • Understanding of data ownership/sharing issues

Empathy as a Director, Bioinformatics and Data Science in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?
Listen to people's needs and adjust management style around their needs/style.

Communication as a Director, Bioinformatics and Data Science in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

The only way to execute on a large project is team work; teamwork does not work without communication.

What specific skills are part of how you apply this transferable skill?
  • Oral communication skills
  • Speaking clearly and effectively
  • Written communication skills

Teamwork as a Director, Bioinformatics and Data Science in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.

What specific skills are part of how you apply this transferable skill?
  • Ability to work on a team
  • Ability to work with people outside the organization

How else do you use this transferable skill?
Information sharing, doing "your part", being reliable (deliver on time)

Interpreting Information as a Director, Bioinformatics and Data Science in Data Science

How do you apply this transferable skill in your position?

The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.

What specific skills are part of how you apply this transferable skill?
  • Ability to analyze data
  • Ability to gather and interpret information
  • Ability to learn quickly


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Date: March 4, 2025
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

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Date: March 19, 2025
Time: 12 - 1 p.m.